William George Aliapoulos

1LT in 406th Engineer Combat Co
Born 1917 in NH, Died 2008
County of enlistment: Manchester, NH
Other residence(s): Manchester, NH; Toledo, OH
United States Army, European Theatre of Operations
Occupation before the war: college student
College education before the war: UNH 3 years
College education after the war: UToledo
He rescued two children from their cribs in a tenement fire in Manchester, NH in 1939--brave young man!
Enlistment record:
This article says that he was living in Toledo, OH in 1947 and was a former UNH student; wife went to U. of Toledo.
Here is his obituary which tells us the following: he started out at Brookline (MA) Seminary, intending to be a Greek Orthodox priest but did not stay there long. Then UNH. Studies interrupted by war; drafted and sent to OCS, became 2LT. The obit mentions the Ghost Army. Won Bronze Star. Married Franny in 1945; worked for an engineering firm in Toledo and finished his degree in mechanical engineering at U. of Toledo nights. Two daughters; avid golfer, skier, skater, swimmer. Died October 20, 2008.
Find a Grave record.