Gold Medal Presentation
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Congress Presents Ghost Army a Congressional Gold Medal
Congress officially presented the Congressional Gold Medal to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops and the 3133rd Signal Service Company, Special, in a special ceremony at the Capitol presided over by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. The ceremony was held in the Capitol’s Emancipation Hall, on March 21st . Three surviving members of the Ghost Army were in attendance: Bernie Bluestein, John Christman, and Seymour Nussenbaum. Also there were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, other Congressional leaders, top officials from the Pentagon, Ghost Army Legacy President Rick Beyer read more
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Excerpts from Remarks at the Ceremony
“We’re grateful for how the soldiers of the Ghost Army saved lives and changed lives. As one wrote in his memoirs, Men and women can become heroes and heroines by the grace of god. Th ere is hope for the world when soldiers leave their storybooks and climb out of their jeeps. Fires have to be put out and men — even dead men — treated as human beings. ” Rev. Donald Fox, son of Ghost Army veteran Fred Fox "It has been 80 years since the Ghost Army landed read more
Lobbying History
President Joe Biden signing the proclaimation
Congressional Gold Medal
On March 21, 2024, Congress will present the Congressional Gold Medal to the Ghost Army in a ceremony at the U. S. Capitol. It has been two years since President Joe Biden signed into law the Congressional Gold Medal Act, awarding a Congressional Gold medal to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, and the 3133 Signal Co. Special, which practiced sonic deception in Italy. The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest distinction Congress can bestow. The bill was sponsored by Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Susan Collins (R-Me) in the Senate, and Representatives Annie Kuster read more
Ghost Army Gold Medal Letters of Support
People and institutions from around the country supporting the Ghost Army Gold Medal Act read more