Illuminated Letters
1943 Wildlife Sketch
Letters from Arthur Singer

[No date, no envelope – October or November 1943]
My beloved,
Not much in the way of news today, not even one letter. I’m enjoying a very peaceful day as Room Orderly in the warm barracks. Oh yes, I have to keep them and the water warm. I [have] written plenty of letters today, I don’t think there is anyone that I owe one to. I’ve even run out of envelopes, but don’t bother getting them for me. You are busy enough as it is. I’ll get them if I get to New York.
Wood-Thomas started [to] do pictures in his letters home. He saw me working on that one last night so he borrowed my paints. I[t] gave me a laugh.
Well, today we got paid. I’m already down to $20 because a [sic] owed a couple and we had to all pay for the photos we are ordering. I do want to go to Baltimore tomorrow, though, because I heard that at one of the U.S.O’s there is a service that finds rooms for servicemen and their wives. I’d like to see th whether that is true.
As I’ve had lots of time today to think about you and your loveliness. I love you, the thought of you coming down raises my spirits more than I can tell you.
[wildlife sketch]
This is kind of a weird thing. I certainly did not start with anything like this in mind, it just happened.
By the way when you come to Baltimore next week we’ll go see a new Maxwell Anderson play that is having its opening in Baltimore and I’ll try to get free tickets at the U.S.O.
All my love, darling, I’ll be hoping to get a letter from you tomorrow.