Training in the USA
October 15, 1942
Letters from Harold J. Dahl

U.S. Army
Fort George G. Meade, MD.
​Dear Mom & Lou,
I’m making this for both of you in order to answer your letters - I have a lot to answer since I got 9 letters in 2 days! - One from Norman [Dahl] - Mrs. Heinke (nice of her to take me over) - Thelma, Betty Jane, Betty Sharp - one from Lulu, besides 3 from you - and that swell cake - that lasted 1 hour! You know how it is - we share & share alike - since there are 70 of us you can imagine how much stuff gets passed around (please send recipe for one of the boys).
My cold is much improved in spite of the fact that I have been soaking wet for 3 days. Tues. we went on a 12 mile hike in the rain & yesterday & today in addition to hours of drill we were learning to skirmish which means crawl on your belly in the mud. I was a pretty sight, judging by the others.

A sketch of Harold by Allen F. Brewer Jr.,
created in 1942
Brewer became a well-known equine artist,
but was tragically killed
in a plane crash in 1967.
There are so many fellows here - Thelma probably will show you a sketch I sent her - it was done by a comic strip artist who has his bunk over mine - Bob Boyagian. He is immensely tall & very nice. Then there are John Hulse & Shirley Carter who are Continentals - Paris & London - a nice kid named Nardiello from Brooklyn - Herb Amborski from Buffalo - Harold Skinner from Michigan - Dave Porter & a fellow named Nance from Tennessee - and a very fine fellow from Chicago named Hank Siewicky. They are all nice & there are others too - I’ll tell you about them more when I see you.
Perhaps I’ll see Aunt Turk when she is here - I hope so.
Maybe I’ll be able to let you know when I am coming, maybe not. If so - Franklin better scour the market for a good porterhouse.
Speaking of Mrs. Coombs - I better send Ellie a card. I’ll do that right away.
I have enough handkerchiefs, so keep those at home.
Now for Lou’s letter
I have enough money - and am quite sure they will send Mom a ck for $35 each month - $22 from me & the rest from them. That’s why I said to use what you need, plus a little more for Mom & whatever is left - stick in my acct at Nat’l City. That money I can use for coming home & such like.
Guess that’s about all - will write more another time -
Laundry costs me $1.25 per month - I came down with $20.00 & have that much in my pocket now - got $13.00 pay for Sept.