Training in the USA
October 3, 1943
Letters from Harold J. Dahl

U.S. Army
Dear Mom & Lou,
There is very little to say today - little has happened. I did get the almond rings which are wonderful.
It feels strange to be in OD’s once more instead of sun-tans - much more dressed up. Incidentally, will you look up my belt & hat and keep them until I get home again - which should be either next week [10/10/43] or the week after. [10/17/43]. I’ll let you know which as soon as I can.

Thelma Van Duyne, Harold Dahl,
Claire Van Duyne
As you say, I have been rather busy - changes are occurring in the company and I am having quite a little to say about it all. Also we are working on experiments for simple ways to teach troops about booby traps. Yesterday [10/2/43] I worked out a way to simulate one of those mines that jumps up in the air before it explodes.
I imagine Charlie will feel queer - but there is nothing he can do. Poor Hovel has been going deaf in one ear to the point that we are going to lose him - he gets a medical discharge which is breaking his heart.
We are going to be very highly trained for the next couple of months - in motor transport, bridges, mines, combat & all Engineer activities besides hiking & obstacle courses. Evidently we are to be some kind of “crack” outfit which is OK by us.
Am enclosing a receipt to put away. Now I am going to get dressed & go over to the Service Club Library for awhile.
Please give my regards to Claire [Van Duyne] - tell her I haven’t written because there was so little to say.
We are ordering maneuver snapshots - I’ll send them along when they come. I’ll have about 60 prints - quite a collection.