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Robert Emmett Wendig Sr.

SGT in 3132nd Signal Service Co


Born 1922 in PA, Died 2023

County of residence at enlistment: Philadelphia County, PA
Other residence(s): Philadelphia, PA; Wayne, MI; Lansdale, PA
United States Army, European Theatre of Operations
Occupation before the war: managers and officials, n.e.c.
College education before the war: 2 years
College education after the war: Univ. of Penn.
Notes: Also in 603rd? Rank of SGT added from Find a Grave site
Source: 3132 Caption List;  Post War Sonic List from Bill Anderson; 603rd handwritten list; photo from Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick's Facebook page

Robert Wendig was born on July 16, 1922 in Philadelphia, PA. He was the older of two children; his father, a bus driver, had been born in Germany.

He registered for the draft on June 30, 1942; at that time he was working for Ford Bros. & Co. in Philadelphia. He enlisted on October 1 of that year; his enlistment record states that he had completed two years of college and his occupation was in the "managers and officials" category.

He served in Europe with the 3132 Signal Service Company and was discharged on November 18, 1945.

After the war he married Mary June Horner and went back to school, graduating from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1949. He then took a job with Greene, Tweed, and Cox, manufacturers of industrial products, as a sales rep for the lower peninsula of Michigan. He and Mary June relocated to Wayne, MI where they became parents of a son, Robert, Jr. Little else is known of his life or work.

He died on June 8, 2023, while living in Lansdale PA, and he is buried at Washington Crossing National Cemetery in Newtown, PA.


1922 baptismal record

1930 census

1940 census

1942 draft card

1942 enlistment record

US marriage index

1949 article in The Detroit Times re his education and work

1950 Pennsylvania US Veteran Compensation File

1950 census

2022 entry on Pennsylvania Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick's Facebook page re Bob's 100th birthday

2023 Find a Grave record

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