Mark James Mallardi

T/5 in 406th Engineer Combat Co
Military occupational specialty: 81 (engineman, operating)
Born 1923 in NY, Died 2022
County of residence at enlistment: Bronx County, NY
Other residence(s): Bronx, NY in 1942; Edgewater, FL in 2019
United States Army, European Theatre of Operations
Occupation before the war: semiskilled routemen
Mark Mallardi was born on September 27, 1923 in the Bronx, NY, the fifth of seven children. Both of his parents were born in Italy.
He registered for the draft on June 30, 1942; at the time he was working for Pulumbo Cigar Co. When he enlisted, on March 16, 1943, his profession was listed in the category of "semiskilled routemen."
Once in the Army he was assigned to the 406th Engineer Combat Company and saw service in Europe with the Ghost Army. He was released in 1945 with the rank of T/5.
In 1950 he was still living with his parents and his sister, and working as a bartender in a bar/restaurant. In 1954 he married Rita Grenci; they became the parents of two children: Mark Jr. and Maryann.
Mark's son says of his father that he "worked hard every day for his family. Woke up at 5:00AM, and in rain, sleet, ice, snow, and summer heat, went to work as a driver of a city bus in The Bronx and Harlem for over 30 years. He's a true hero, and much of what I've learned of compassion, humanity, loyalty, perseverance, work ethic, and being a man comes from my Dad."
After Mark “retired” from driving a bus in the city, he took over a bus route in Scarsdale for the next 15 years. His wife died in 1990; in 1999 Mark moved to Edgewater, FL, bought a boat, and learned to navigate the Intercoastal.
He died on December 18, 2022.
1930 census
1940 census
1942 draft card
1943 enlistment record
1950 census
1954 marriage record