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Leon Harold Yashian

3132nd Signal Service Co


Born 1917 in MA, Died 1987

County of residence at enlistment: New York County, NY
Other residence(s): East Weymouth, MA; Bronx, NY; New Rochelle, NY; Uniondale, NY; St. James, NY
United States Army, European Theatre of Operations
Occupation before the war: clerks, general office
Source: 3132 Caption List; 3132 Pine Camp Photo Names

Leon Yashian was born on June 3, 1917 in East Weymouth, MA. He had at least one brother, but nothing else is known about his family.

He enlisted on January 8, 1941; records show that he was living in the Bronx, NY, had graduated from high school, and was working as a clerk. He eventually found his way into the 3132 Signal Service Company, and went to Europe with the unit. His nickname in the unit was "The Hook," and he operated a ten-ton half-track wrecking truck. Hospital records indicate that he injured his thigh in a motor vehicle accident in the line of duty in 1944, though he returned to service after treatment. He was discharged from the Army on June 21, 1945 and filled out his draft card the following day.

In 1946 he married Victoria Magda, and they became the parents of two sons: Gary and Kenneth. Leon went to work for the telephone company; in 1950 he was working as a telephone wireman.

By 1956, he and his family had moved to New Rochelle, NY and he was working for Con Edison, the New York power company. That year he sustained an electric shock while working on a utility pole which was serious enough that he was admitted to the hospital.

Little else is known about his life or work. In 1974 he was living in Uniondale, NY, and later he lived in St. James, NY. He died on April 26, 1987 and is buried at the Cemetery of the Holy Rood in Westbury, NY.


1941 enlistment record

1944 WW II hospital admission card files

1945 draft card (filled out after discharge)

1946 marriage license

1950 census

1956 article in the Standard-Star (New Rochelle NY); he is working for Con Edison

1974 US public records index

1987 Social Security death index

1987 VA death record

1987 Find a Grave record*xb93ze*_gcl_au*MTk3MjAxMTUxNy4xNzAyNjQzNjUx*_ga*NzcxMjMzNzg3LjE3MDI2NDM2NTE.*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*MDUxYTFmZjEtMmFjOS00MGMyLTk2NzgtZGE3YzkzOTM5YjY0LjMuMS4xNzAyNjQ0OTQyLjQ0LjAuMA..*_ga_LMK6K2LSJH*MDUxYTFmZjEtMmFjOS00MGMyLTk2NzgtZGE3YzkzOTM5YjY0LjMuMS4xNzAyNjQ0OTQyLjAuMC4w

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