Illuminated Letters
October 2, 1943
Letters from Arthur Singer

Saturday, Oct. 2
My beloved,
When I look back over the happenings of the last week I consider myself very fortunate. Out of seven days, I was with you four. That’s paradise for me and I loved every minute of it. It is hard for me to put into words the ecstasy I feel when I’m with you, my wonderful wife. I hope you liked it also (regardless of the nasty cold I presented you with[)].
The trip home was fast, I was lucky getting in such a nice […]. We (all the fellows that left on pass all came back on the same train) caught a local to Odenton and were back at the Orderly Room a little after then. And was I lucky, I got Room Orderly detail for Saturday which meant that I didn’t have to worry about the foot-locker inspection, which the room orderly does not have to stand, and rifle inspection! All I had to do was spend a few moments shining my shoes!
I was told some news that pertains to me which is so good that I’m afraid to believe it. I won’t say anything about it until I know for sure – it’s so fantastic and wonderful!!
So this weekend I’ll write letters, paint, maybe see Watch On The Rhine (which is playing now) and dream of you. Of course, I’ll have to keep an eye on the furnace and lock and unlock rifle racks but that’s nothing.
I feel so happy after being with you it’s amazing what seeing you can do for me. We were paid today and I’m enclosing two dollars to help settle for part of the money I took from you.
Heaven bless you –