May 18, 1944
Letters from Harold J. Dahl

To: Mrs. Anna M. Dahl
New Jersey
From: Sgt. H.J. Dahl 12161982
Co. D 603rd Eng. Cam. Btn.
23rd Hqs Sp. Trs.
A.P.O. 656
C/O Postmaster, New York
May 18, 1944
Dear Mom & Lou,
Well, I haven’t seen very much of England but can already understand why people should want to fight for it! The whole place is so tidy Mother wouldn’t have to move a thing!

I wish I could see Towaco, but am comforted considerably by the scenes that are all around me - including the loveliest trees ever. One linden must be 4 or 5 feet in diameter. A couple of the boys are landscape men and are over whelmed and I am sure George [Dahl] would be crazy about it.
Sure, Dubie & Chris knew me - and Chris is really remarkable. She poured wine for Dubie and herself among other amazing feats. Manages a knife & fork very well too. Did I tell you Clint is an Ensign now?
It doesn’t look like I could do much of any visiting but hope to see one or too little towns if I get a pass.