June 27, 1944
Letters from Harold J. Dahl

To: Mrs. Anna M. Dahl
New Jersey
From: Sgt. H.J. Dahl 12161982
Co. D 603rd Eng. Cam. Btn.
23rd Hqs Sp. Trs.
A.P.O. 655
C/O Postmaster, New York, N.Y.
June 27, 1944
Dear Mom & Lou,

May 31, 1944 headlines in the Pariser Zeitung:
English juvenile delinquents and cowboy diplomats in Washington!
Harold apparently picked up this paper later in the war.
One night a few of us went to a couple of fine old taverns out in the country - had a nice meal in a Tudor atmosphere - complete with sherry, port and scotch - quite a treat. But I’d love to sink my teeth in a good steak or some strawberries or a cherry pie! Not to mention the joy of a glass of milk - I hope it won’t always be like this. People over here have a hard time when they consider the news about meat rationing in the states - they get only [blacked out - censored] worth per week a piece. So many of them want to come to America that Broadway after the war will probably ring with the sound of h’s dropping on the sidewalk.