Illuminated Letters
November 23, 1943
Letters from Arthur Singer

Tuesday Nov. 23
My sweet blessing,
It’s quiet and peaceful in the barracks with only part of the 3rd platoon here. Today, was a goldbricker’s delight for us. Most of the fellows slept on their bunks all morning. We are ready for the camouflage school and there wasn’t anything that had to be done today. I did have a job to do today – making a poster on correct and incorrect garnishing of a flatop. I worked on that until 2:30 PM and took it easy after that. We have a class tomorrow afternoon and maybe one Saturday afternoon although the latest is that that one is cancelled. So because of this one class we miss the bivouac!
I got a letter from Milt today, no other mail. Tonight, as last night I’ll take it easy and go to bed early. I don’t want my cold to get worse. I thought my chest felt bad last night but it doesn’t seem that way tonight. The very best way to get rid of a cold is to rest and sleep which is just what I can do most of this week. I’m hoping I’ll get home again this weekend but if my cold is back I won’t because I don’t want you to get it. If I do get in we have a place to go sometime Sunday afternoon or evening – Charlie Cagle’s house. He is the painter I told you about. Wood-Thomas saw his work last weekend and said that his painting is really terrific! I think it will be of great interest to both of us and Cagle is a fellow you should meet, anyhow. Will also try to see Fritz and Lee.
Did you call Howard Willard this week? If you do visit him you’d better call before you leave N.Y.
There is nothing much new. Every time I lay down to rest, I get excited thinking of you. Flemer saw the snapshot of us that was enlarged and he said he hardly ever saw such a happy picture! Well, there’s good reason for it. I told him there is no such feeling of happiness on earth as being married to a sweet wife and one who loves you the same way. I feel sad for Bill Flemer I hope he has a break soon because his girl gave him the cold shoulder quite definitely. He’s a swell fellow. I wonder what she must be like.
Anyhow, all I can think of is your loveliness and softness of your lips on mine, your body against mine. The thought that you’ll be down here soon is a great uplift for my spirits.
Bless you, love.
P.S. I’m enclosing the slip Macy’s gave me for Bess’s camera, I found it tonight.