Letters to Lou
November 23, 1943
Letters from Arthur Singer

Dear Lou,
I don’t know how to start, but your letter kind of hit me hard. Gee, gate, are things so bad? If there was anyone I wanted to see get a break it was you. I hope things will get better in the future. When I got home last weekend, I called Ann. She sounded sweet as ever. She was at home, ill, I mean you know that PERIOD. Have you thought of […]? It would help you both if she could come down even if only on a visit such as the one Judy took to Savannah.
The latest with me don’t look good. I expect that we’ll be shipped by February if not before. Judy is leaving her job and coming to Baltimore so we can see a lot of each other before that day comes around.
A good piece of news is that the 13th Corps which we are a part of, has some nice rules. 100% of the men can go out on passes every week! Only those who have details must stay in camp – no bedcheck! 10% of the men can be out on furlough at a time! I’m getting one on December 3rd to 7th. I suppose most of it will be spent in Baltimore. You remember when I last saw you – which was on my last furlough. Did you ever send those pictures of Ann and you?
I called Mrs […] didn’t get a pass. I just got a letter from him today. Not very much news in it. He’s very busy with studies with little time for anything. You know I was in Belvoir last Friday with the 3rd platoon (the one I’m in) showing some experimental work to the Engineer Board and making their faces red! We’ve got something good. But I didn’t have a chance to look up Milt, unfortunately. We were only there a few hours.
Well gate, that’s all the news for now. I hope you’ll have better news in your next letter. The best to you, Lou.
Your pal,