Letters to Lou
November 10, 1943
Letters from Arthur Singer

Camouflaged bivouac
Nov. 10, ‘43
Dear Lou,
I was glad to get your letter, Gate. I’m just wondering whether you are in a camouflage battalion. I don’t see it on the address. Just an engineer outfit is not very good. All engineer outfits including ours are in part labor battalions I hope yours is not strictly that. There is one good thing you may make much greater progress in your outfit than I will in mine. We have such a bunch of very high I.Q. men and artists. I hardly think I’ll ever get a rating here, it’s damned discouraging.
Big things have happened. We are now in the A.G.F. and may go overseas any day or any month now. Noone knows exactly but we will get an assignment soon. We [are] doing a helluva lot of strenuous physical conditioning and it looks like the business. Tomorrow, we have a “bitch” of a 25 mile hike 8 hours in a row no break for lunch, ten minute rest every hour. It’s the only hike we’ve ever had that I’m worried about finishing. We had a terrific physical stamina course Tuesday and we are all stiff from it.
I did a nice painting last weekend since I didn’t get a pass. I haven’t seen home in a long time. Judy may come down and live in Baltimore so we can see a lot of each other before I pull out. I’m due a pass this weekend I hope I get it. November 13th is a bad date and I know Judy will be in a bad way.
There isn’t much new otherwise. I heard from Milt at Belvoir. I’d like to meet him some night in Washington and have a bull session. I don’t know whether he gets out nights or not.
I guess that is all. Keep me posted on things. I hope your change will be for the better, Lou. I’ll get int ouch with Ann if I’m in this weekend, perhaps Judy has already. Lots of luck, Lou. Keep writing.
Your pal,
P.S. George Fox, Seabee was transferred to California, did I tell you?