Letters to Lou
January 11, 1944
Letters from Arthur Singer

Two men of the Ghost Army, Walter Kinkel and George Nardiello
[This letter is mis-dated. (There is no Tuesday 1/21/44.) We believe based on content and other letters that this was written Tuesday 1/11/44.]
Tuesday, Jan 21 [sic] ‘44
Dear Lou,
Just got your “quickie” and figured I’d write you. There is some news which I can tell you that I don’t remember putting in my last letter, maybe I did. Our outfit is moving out of Meade! We don’t know where we are going although there have been many rumors. But we were supposed to leave before Friday of this week. So last weekend when I got my pass I took Judy back to New York – it hurt. Now, I find out that shipping plans will [be] delayed perhaps for a week. So I’m burnt up that I took her home. Actually, we were very low in money but there may have been a way out as far as that goes. I believe I’ll get home again this weekend because the company isn’t due K.P. or guard. this weekend.
This past Sunday I called Ann and she told me of the setup you’ve arranged for, and the fact that she may work on the Post. That’s really tops, Gate, how th did you manage that? Anyhow, I know everything will work out swell and I hope that happened to me or I suppose […] However, I don’t think we are due to be shipped overseas just yet – then again one never knows anything for certain. All I want is to to get the hell out of the Army and I wish the war could end. I’m pretty disgusted with staying a damned private for 19 months. I seemed to have hit the bad breaks rights and left, except that I’m thankful for being so near N.Y. for such a long length of time, that’s really all that counts when you come down to it.
But anyhow getting back to Ann, she sounded very happy and I was glad I had a chance to call her. You know we finally got a print of that kodakchrome you took of us in Parkchester last summer. It’s damned nice, it was a long time coming. We visited my parents who were pretty glad to see us as you can imagine. Sunday we visited Howard Willard for a while and had a nice time with him and his wife. Boy, that house of his is really a “killer”, I wish you could see the color movies he has of it.
At present, I’m attending Motor School. Most everyone in the company knows how to drive, now it’s my turn. Had a nice time learning a few things today. It’s a break from the monotony of drafting work which I’ve been doing all the past week.
Ann mentioned a poster that you had done for the 4th War Bond Drive. From what she said some nice news looks to be in the offing. Tell me something about it, gate, it sounds […].
Well there isn’t much else. I’m glad to hear that Milt got a break. The boys who were smart enough to do defense work even though they were taken in the Service at least had experience to fall back on. It’s evident that Milt’s work certainly helped him in his studies. I’m sure he’ll do well and I’ll bet he makes sergeant very soon. Do you think Bev will go out and live near him?
I guess that’s all that’s new so I’ll say so long for now and best of everything for the New Year – from Judy and me.
Your pal, Arthur