Letters to Lou
February 13, 1943
Letters from Arthur Singer

Arthur's painting of uniforms drying after a rainstorm in Europe
Sunday, Feb. 13
Dear Lou,
K.P. is no joke is it? The lousiest detail one can get stuck with and I do get stuck. I had it three weeks ago and I’m due it about Tuesday or Thursday. Here T/5 corporals pull guard and K.P. just like the P.F.C.s and privates. I had guard duty last Sunday and it won’t be due me again for at least a month. I had to laugh about the outburst on democracy in the Army, gate, how often I’ve said the same damned thing.
I’m sorry to hear your mother is so ill. It sounds rather serious, I hope she pulls out of it. You should definitely be able to get an emergency furlough. I may very well get one just about the same time you will, (and I hope you do get it) according to the recent rumors about continuation of furloughs. God I hope it’s true. I’m dying to see Judy again and it would cost so much for her to come here. And the job situation is really lousy here. Some of the wives who are here have found work. The best they can get is $15 per week and skilled work just don’t exist here. Judy just got a new job at $40 per week and I don’t think it would be practical for her to quit it. Also I am very sure we won’t be here for long, that seems pretty definite from what I’ve heard.
I saw a couple of more good movies since I wrote last. Madame Curie which “sent” me very much because I eat up scientific stuff that many guys find dull. And I also saw Jane Eyre last night. That was very good also except for Orson Welles (at times), and Joan Fontaine – well, she’s terrific, I think one of the best actresses in Hollywood.
Knocked off some artwork today – for a change. I hadn’t done anything for about 3 weeks. I made a decorative animal piece for my mother-in-law, who isn’t very well these days. Then I did a watercolor of the barracks and after I was halfway through I was almost going to throw it out. But I didn’t, I continued and it turned out damned good. I’m not used to doing […] free and slightly sloppy work so I thought it wasn’t much good. But after I finished it and stepped back a few feet, it began to “sing”. Now I feel my efforts weren’t wasted (as well as the expensive piece of Whatman paper it’s on).
There isn’t much more to tell you. Tuesday we will take a little trip to Camp Cambell [sic], Ky. Just for two days, then we’ll return here. We [have] been doing some really creative decoy work. Next to artwork, this is really second best and it certainly calls for creative and ingenious planning. I only wish you could see what we are doing. It’s very impressive – no shit.
Well, so long for now, gate. Judy particularly asked me to give her regards to Ann and you. She would like to hear from you and I gave her your address so she can write you and Ann. I hope your mother gets better and give Ann a little kiss for me. How is she doing down there?
Your pal,