Illuminated Letters
October 14, 1943
Letters from Arthur Singer

My lover,
Your letters are so interesting and full of news that I wish that mine were more like yours. However, Army life is so routine that not much happens from day to day.
I had a hunch that you wouldn’t be feeling well enough to attend the school, but by now you’ve probably had your first class. I’m glad you called Ann to cheer her up some, I’m sure she needs it. I’m enclosing Lou’s latest letter which is encouraging – I think he’ll get a break although he still may be far from home. No wonder I hadn’t heard from Milt – so he is at Belvoir, Va. that’s very interesting. I hope he writes me soon.
I also got a letter from Walter which I am enclosing. I haven’t heard from George for a long time. I’m not at all optimistic about the next few weeks, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to get home. I don’t believe I’ll get my pass this weekend. I’ll phone my aunt or your house if I don’t. However, next weekend the Alert starts on Sunday and ends the following Sunday – thus killing two weekends for everybody which is very lousy.
Also, we have a four day bivouac scheduled for next week. This week we had our two hikes which I didn’t mind at all. Since I felt that I couldn’t get out of camp for over two weeks I went to Washington last night. The record stores were mostly a myth no old or second hand records there at all.
I got a long letter from Arthur Smith. He is writing more promptly now. He says he found an extremely rare Ellington for me. Maybe you remember me asking Duke when we were backstage what certain records were like, that were among his earlier ones records. I had never seen them or did I know of anyone who owned them. So I’ll get it from him if it is in decent shape. It’s called Immigration Blues.
I haven’t had much of a chance to do any artwork this week, I may try to do some tonight. I must get a haircut and return a book so I may have to let it wait ‘til the weekend. I want to do some badly. Hapgood finally told confirmed the story of the mural. It evidently isn’t coming about yet but I am on the list in the Adjutants office after certain men were already eliminated. I hope it comes true some day.
Well, I got my haircut tonight and have managed to knock off a little deer for you, I hope you’ll like it.
I was surprised that Willard called us. I must get in touch with him the next time I’m in.
So much for current happenings. I’m afraid my arms will feel terribly empty these coming weeks and I dread the thought of it. We’ll have to be brave I guess, but it’s not very satisfying. Goodnight my angel, don’t forget – I love you.