May 27, 1945
Letters from Theodore Katz

ETO jacket. Photo courtesy of US Militaria Forum.
May 27/45
Dearest Helen,
This evening, I find myself being very domestic – having just finished doing some sewing, which consisted of sewing stripes on my new ETO jacket. Now, just in case you may wonder what an ETO jacket is, let me explain that ETO stands for European Theater of Operations and the jacket is an article of clothing fashioned after a style set by Gen. Eisenhower. These jackets supplant the blouse we had when we were in the States and will be part of the uniform I’ll be wearing when I see you again. What I mean is that, it will do until I can get into a tweed suit (What’s that?).
Aside from this the Army continues to be the Army – or maybe more so. Someday I’ll tell you about this phase of my Army career – and by then, I’ll find it hard to convince myself that it happened. But all I have to do is remember the things that are in store for me, - and I can stand anything.
All my love,