May 13, 1945
Letters from Theodore Katz

A lighthearted moment in France
May 13/45
Dearest Helen,
The main topic of conversation these days centers about the point system, just announced, which will honor those with enough points with a discharge. Thus far, I’ve encountered very, very few men who can garner enough of these points to get out. Under this system, it seems impossible to be discharged unless one has children to send the points soaring to the 85 mark. For instance with us we have a man who has been in the Army for 7 years – and he still can’t be eligible for a discharge. I have approximately 58 points – as a result of 2 ½ years of service, of which one year is overseas and 3 Bronze Campaign Stars. So, for the nonce, that’s the way things stand –
As everyone else, I have hopes for a speedy return to the States. Paradoxically, this may be either good or bad, for it stands to reason that anyone returned to the States quickly would seem to be tagged for an equally speedy send-off to the Pacific. – But, things are in a state of flux – and there’s no sense trying to figure out what will happen.
I see from the latest mail from you (Apr 28 29 & 30th[)] that you are still sojourning where the tree grows. In the one of the 30th, I received the first inkling that my brother is getting a naval commission – a surprise to me, but I suppose I’ll get the whole story soon.
We’ve been having things pretty easy – but Germany is no place for a vacation. If we must spend time in Europe, I’d rather spend it in France – and, of course, my first choice would be back with you. I miss you so very much and I’m fed up to the adenoids with this existence.
The weather is hot and as Jack, Sigh and I were eating our spam and glue, I nostalgically made a remark about how I like to have a nice cool salad; with sliced cucumbers, radishes, lettuce and tomatoes. It’s been so long since we’ve tasted fresh vegetables, that for a moment my remark didn’t penetrate – though, when it did I was afraid they would dump the contents of their respective messkits on my head.
The Baseball season has started without us but maybe we can get in on the World Series –
All my love,