Frederick La Don "Don" Lyman

3132nd Signal Service Co
Born 1924 in IA, Died 2019
Other residence(s): Mason City, IA; Clinton, IA; Rochester, MN
United States Army, European Theatre of Operations
Occupation before the war: student
College education after the war: Iowa State Univ. College of Engineering
Don Lyman was born on December 4, 1924 in Mason City, IA, the only child of both of his parents; he had three older half-sisters whose mother had died in 1912. His father worked as a construction carpenter.
Don graduated from Mason City High School in 1942; he was only 17 and too young to enlist, so he enrolled at a youth training program at Drake University in Des Moines, IA.
He enlisted in the Army in December, 1942, when he turned 18, and was called to active duty on May 10, 1943, at the end of the academic year. He continued training in radio and pre-radar at North Dakota State University for three months, and then for nine months at the University of Kentucky under the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP). He eventually ended up at Pine Camp, NY as part of the 3132 Signal Service Company, and saw service in Europe with the unit during the war.
Don was discharged from the Army on November 1, 1945 with the rank of PVT and returned to Mason City. He filled out his draft card on November 21, after returning home. Sadly, both of his parents had died while he was in the Army—his mother in August, 1943 and his father in January, 1944.
Don married Juliana Lee on November 21, 1947 at the charmingly named "Little Brown Church in the Vale" in Nashua, IA; it was memorialized in a 19th century song recorded in the 20th century by the Carter Family, Andy Griffith, and the Statler Brothers. They became the parents of a son, Ron, born in 1949.
Don worked for a few years at a gas station and also attended Iowa State University College of Engineering. In 1950, he started working as a drafting clerk in the engineering department at Interstate Power Company in Mason City. He remained in that engineering department until 1964, when he was appointed Area Manager at Northwood, IA.
He continued at Northwood until he was named Assistant District Manager in the Clinton District in 1971. Two years later, he was promoted to District Manager of the Decorah District. (There he won the Boss-of-the-Year award presented by the Junior Chamber of Commerce.) Eventually he returned to Clinton as District Manager, retiring in 1989.
During his working years, Don was very involved in his community. He was an active participant in his local Methodist Church and the Boy Scouts, and a member of the Elks, Lions, VFW, Rotary, Masons, and Chamber of Commerce. He served as president or chair of several of those organizations. He was a water safety instructor for the Red Cross, and served as that organization's regional chair in Northeast Iowa. During the 1950s/1960s he was also active in the Gas & Electric Employees Credit Union (where he served as a director for at least six years) and the Iowa Credit Union League (where he was president of the Cerro Gordo Chapter).
After he retired, he and Julie moved back to Mason City for 10 years. They then relocated to Rochester, MN to be near family. In retirement, Don loved spending time with his family, fishing, hunting, swimming, and reading. He was also grateful to participate in an Honor Flight to Washington, DC with his son as chaperone.
Don died on December 21, 2009 in Pine Island, MN, and is buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in Mason City, IA.
1924 Iowa birth record
1930 census
1940 census
1941 high school yearbook (includes photo)
1943 article in the Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA) about his military experience
1944 father's obituary in the Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA)
1945 draft card
1947 marriage record
1947 wedding announcement in the Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA)
1949 Iowa WW2 bonus case files
1950 census
1957 article in the Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA) about his credit union role
1959 article in the Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA) about his credit union role
1973 article in the Postville Herald (IA) about his career
2019 Minnesota death record
2019 obituary in the Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA) (includes photo)
2019 Find a Grave record (includes obituary)