Letters to Lou
February 5, 1944
Letters from Arthur Singer
Singer's letters to Lou
Sat. nite
Dear Lou,
Gate, you are second in correspondence only to my wife. Let me commend you on your prompt letter writing, and more – I appreciate it more than I can tell you for they are second only to Judy’s as far as the enjoyment end of it goes. It’s not even fair to say that because you can’t compare two completely different things, so I would say they are first as far as friend’s letters are concerned. So we’ll try to continue writing as long as it’s possible.
Unfortunately, there is no change of luck unless it’s for the worse. This 2nd Army is really “chicken shit”. We are working our asses off now. I thought we might be working Sundays yet but it looks as though they may be generous with us tomorrow. It won’t make much difference to me I have guard duty tomorrow. Well, what the hell d-passes mean to me now anyway! There have been rumors of furloughs commencing again but I won’t believe it until I sign my papers. That’s another reason I don’t go out on pass. I may need that dough before the month is over.
We are very active here now and doing big things. I wish I could tell you more about them but they are classified as “secret”.
The last two weeks I’ve been going to Motor School and I know how to drive. I won’t say I’m tops because noone can be without plenty of experience, but I certainly enjoyed it. I also learned a good deal about maintenance and just what makes the motor tick. I don’t know whether we will get licenses because six of the eight of us never drove before.
I hope Ann is going to drop me a line sometime I’m getting impatient. Give here my best regards and I hope for both of you that she finds some good job soon. I know pretty well how it feels to have money flowing out with practically nothing coming in. Judy and I experienced it in Baltimore. Judy isn’t working either because Emerson didn’t want to give her any raise and Judy feels she can do better else where. I happen to know what Judy really wants and it isn’t any job, it’s something else. Ann probably wants the same thing. So I guess, Gate, I’ll take in a “fleicher” tonight. Madame Curie is playing, I think I’ll go see it. Did you see Lifeboat in your camp? It’s a good picture. Also saw A Guy named Joe this week, I enjoyed it, but I’m forgetting it quickly.
I’m glad for Milt that he is having a good break. But I’m delighted with the job you have, Lou. It’s just the perfect thing for you. I hope it continues until the war is over for you. I do wish I had something like that, but – hell it’s too late now. Noone can get in or out of the 603rd now.
I hope I haven’t forgotten anything I wanted to say. If I did I’ll write you tomorrow. Best of everything to you both.
Your pal – always,