Back in the USA
October 5, 1945
Letters from Theodore Katz

Ted's undated sketch of a woman in uniform
[postmarked October 5, 1945]
Friday –
12:30 PM
Dearest Helen –
The morning mail failed to bring an awaited letter from you, but I know one will come this afternoon – you never fail. I did get a letter from Sam though. It didn’t have much information, but rather demanded it.
I called Edith last night, and had a long chat with her. She wanted to know when you’d be coming down and I told her all I knew per the letter you sent me that you received from Washington. She invited me to come in for dinner tonight, so I’ll be making my first trip to Washington tonight and finally see the apartment you wrote so much about – I’ll give you all the particulars of our conversations tomorrow.
As for my status – as usual, all I can tell you is rumor, and that is that is that I’ll be getting out sometime between the 20th and the end of the month. The way it works is that the Ft. Myer North Post is acting as a separation center for all men being discharged in the District and this outfit has a quota of so many men a day. Well, up until now the quota has been small – but now it’s being raised – so, consequently, the discharges will be sped up. As soon as I get some definite dope, I’ll let you know.
Last night I went to the movie on the Post here. When I went up there I found, as usual, a line waiting to get in. But the unusual thing was that it was a line of Wacs. For a moment I thought it was a Wac theater – but after questioning I learned that it was a regular theater – but the fact that there are so many Wacs here explains the preponderance of female personnel. Well, I got into line and was immediately accosted by 2 Wacs in front of me who began by offering me a stick of gum and the usual introductory questions. However, I was able to see through these supposed innocent queries and rebuffed them with cold replies. Around here, a fellow can’t be too careful – and besides after you, all other women pale in comparison. The show was “Love Letters” – and a very good one it was too, in spite of the innocuous title. I enjoyed it very much and then came back to the barracks and went by-by to the land of Nod.
And now back to waste some more time at the supply room. Everything’s fine. Be good and take care of yourself, and I’ll do the same.
All my love,
Regards to the folks –