May 18, 1945
Letters from Harold J. Dahl

To: Mrs. Anna M. Dahl
New Jersey
From: Sgt. H. J. Dahl 12151982
Co. D - 603 Eng. Cam. Bn. Sp.
23rd Hq. Sp. Trs.
A.P.O. 655 c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
May 18, 1945
Germany [probably still Trier]
Dear Mom & Lou,
Your letter of May 8 just came and I’m betting the long box you got doesn’t contain my mauser, but only the long parts of the chair. But I hope it is the mauser - that went out long before the chair did. Col. Van Duyne probably had a good laugh.

Edmands and Crider
There were a lot of things in the smaller box - will you let me have a list as most of them belonged to Weir, Crider & Cumer and I’d like to have things sent on to their homes. The canteen is mine - but I think everything else belongs to the others. Soon now I’m going to send home my plunder-box that I have been carrying all over Europe. It is full of books and things like sweaters that I won’t be needing any more in the E.T.O.
Crider is living with another company for awhile - came down here last night & started to walk back after beaucoup champagne, etc. - come to find out today he got lost in a field and the guys from where he stays had to go get him & take him home in a wheelbarrow!
Good night for now -