May 12, 1945
Letters from Harold J. Dahl
To: Mrs. Anna M. Dahl
New Jersey
From: Sgt. H. J. Dahl 12151982
Co. D - 603 Eng. Cam. Bn. Sp.
23rd Hq. Sp. Trs.
A.P.O. 655 c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
May 12, 1945
Dear Mom & Lou,
Well, tonight instead of champagne I am sipping sherry - we got our VE Day ration - wine, cognac, vodka, run - and Benedictine! Real, honest-to-goodness Benedictine!
Had 4 letters from you today - 4/24 - 5/28 5/3 - Mother, don’t worry about Nancy - surely you can’t want anything better for me than a good wife, one I’ll always be proud of? And while I would rather have her with me when I come it could not possibly work out so fortunately for us. So very likely I’ll come alone - then later she will surely get in touch with you if she reaches New York. Be good to her, Mom - knowing how deeply she loves me & how much I love her.
Lou, it is swell of you to make Nan [Woodell] a package - as I said in another letter - it might be well to send any further ones to her. I won’t make any more requests.
We did drink for you yesterday, Mom - in champagne at German expense - that should make you happy.
More & more civilians seem to come to the town every day - and, as usual, spend a great deal of time pillaging one another’s homes - I suppose we will be blamed for it. When you see me, remind me to tell you of the wise tricks they are adopting -