Letters to Lou
October 6, 1945
Letters from Arthur Singer

A sketch from D-Day
Oct. 6, 1945
Dear Lou,
I got your letter yesterday and as always was a welcome sight to my eyes. Gate, I’m still here. Yes, we will be discharged from Shelby. One thing screws up the deal – high point men from overseas keep coming in and they get priority. So we wait.
Judy wrote the other day and told me the baby’s name and then I got your letter. I wonder whether she’ll like animal pictures. Gate, the only thing that saddens me is that you can’t get the 12 point credit. What date was it when Elissa was born? Is there no way of getting those points?
Things are quite dull here. I occasionally go to a movie. I saw a very good one tonight – see it if possible – The House On 92nd Street. I never go into town – I was there only one day and made a watercolor of some elephants on the Circus grounds. Clyde Beatty had his show there for one day. I was too broke to pay the admission price so I painted instead. My decorations are keeping me busy as hell (for which I’m thankful) and are turning out beautifully. I’ve done five of them and have seven to go. It’s an unusual job for me and the best I’ve ever done in that sort of work. They are not completely flat like my animal designs, they are closer to – say a Dufy watercolor. I wish I could take kodakchromes of them for I’d like a record of them to keep and to show.
In the last three days or so I haven’t had any letters from Judy. I did get a letter from Fritz Brosius’s wife who had her child around the same time as Ann. It also was a girl – they named it Helene Flora. When I’m glad you enjoyed the visit to their home that night. They are really very comfortable people to get a along with and Judy and I both like them very much.
How’s Ann, Lou? When you write her give her my love. Is she home at her mother’s yet?
Your job sounds interesting, Lou, although I guess the way you feel only a discharge would be really interesting to you. Still hang on to that job so they can’t ship ship you around. What are your plans? If you are going to be down there, will Ann and the baby join you? with the b
I wonder whether Milt is in the States yet? Did you ever get a letter from Danziger?
I’ll write you soon, Lou, I hope next time from the separation center. Things will probably happen this week for the 70 pointers. Take care of yourself and write.
Your pal,