Letters to Lou
May 7, 1945
Letters from Arthur Singer

Panoramic view of Luxembourg
May 7
Dear Lou,
On the day you wrote that Vmail, that I got today, I was answering a long letter I had just received from you. But first, Gate, let’s have an toast through the mail to the cessation of hostilities here in Europe which was announced today – May 7th! It’s great news, Lou! Also from the looks of things we’ll be homebound very soon! But there are also damned good chances that we’ll head for China, which of course, has a sobering effect on all of us.
Up until a few days ago I could have written you all about our present work in Germany – now, that the cat is already out of the bag, they’ve clamped down on censorship. One thing I guess I can say is that the work is different from our real mission over here, which we finished with a bang a couple of months ago. I hope one thing, Lou, that in case we do get home in the next few months, that I get a chance to see you. But, Jesus, if you’re down in Texas at the time there won’t be much hope for it.
The work we’re doing now has freed us from a lot of CS and also allows us more time – so I’ve been a busy guy. I’ve finished a lot of work recently and also run down my supplies considerably. Until today when the weather turned beautiful, it was rainy and cold frim [?] almost two weeks. That put a “damper” on my wandering about sketching. It does seem to me, Lou, that you’re [sic] high estimation of the work I’ve been doing has been growing out of proportion to the actual work. Some things I’ll admit I like but don’t get any exaggerated ideas. You’re the boy, Lou, that’s really doing things! Man, your news of that competition and your highest standing in your line is marvelous!! Congratulations – I know damned well that you deserve that and then some.
Your story about Herbie was the first I’ve heard of the incident. Judy may know about it by now but up until April 26 (her latest letter) I had no news of the Lubalins from her. I’m not certain whether I’d say he is lucky or unlucky. When his jaw has mended sufficiently, what’s to stop the board from inducting him then? But then one never knows he may be lucky. I wrote to Sylvia a couple of weeks ago, I also wrote to Ralph. It will take a little time before I get their answers, if they answer. I got a Vmail from Milt about six days ago. Same old story we all miss our “little wommin.” He’s been a busy boy and says the year has passed pretty fast. To me this past year has seemed as long as three. Well, it won’t be soo [sic] much longer before I’ll be “kissin” my “baby”.
And if you’re getting happier every day about the coming event – that’s great stuff. What’s your kid gonna be, Lou, an artist, huh? Tell Ann for me to take real good care of herself for you know how close you two are to me. I somehow feel more personally concerned over you two “love birds” than any other of my “love bird friends I have. Give Ann my love, Gate and the very best of luck to you. Gee, I hope I’ll be seeing you soon, for if I did get a furlough it would hardly seem complete without seein’ you. Goodnight, now.