Letters to Lou
March 23, 1944
Letters from Arthur Singer

Al Latini on guitar
Dear Lou,
Judy and I sent a card to you so you know that she did come down, thanks God. But I haven’t told you anything about it. As you know it looks as though we’ll see action soon and there has been nothing said on furloughs. We mightn’t even get them. So I did want Judy to come down if only for a weekend.
It was a long tiring trip for her and she came by coach. I had arranged for a room at the Guest House for last Friday so wen she came in she could go directly there and get some rest. We just got in from a bivouac late that day and had so much to do in addition to cleaning up for inspection that it wasn’t until after nine that I had a chance to run over to see her. What a sensation! I needn’t tell you because I can imagine you know what it feels like. Since we had to work all day Saturday I didn’t see her ‘til 5:30 P.M. I had made reservations at a hotel in McMinnville Tennessee, a beautiful little town and this hotel serves the best food I’ve ever eaten. Everything went according to the schedule except that it rained. Actually, we saw just a little of the countryside but a lot of one another and that’s what counted. I can’t tell you what paradise it was. When Sunday night came Judy didn’t want to leave on the 11 P.M. train. I had no accomodations [sic] for her and since rooms are practically impossible to get in Tullahoma, I thought it was better that she leave. That wasn’t the main reason, however. I know how the unexpected invariably happens – for the worse – well sure enough on Monday and Tuesday we worked night shifts. I couldn’t have gotten in before midnight! Then on Wednesday night and tonight also we had a full day plus classes that lasted until 9 and 8 respectively. So you see for once I figured it right. Naturally, I’d love to have Judy here but you know in two weeks we haven’t had one free evening! This Sunday we work all day as well – boy, is everyone “beat to the socks” and the bitching never ceases. Judy’s little visit certainly helped my spirits considerably. The whole thing didn’t cost much at all but it’s the long trip that she had to take that made it tough. Since there is nothing to look forward to as far as my future is concerned in the Army, all I think of is my wife and my love for her. If I ever did get a good break in the Army I’d probably die from the shock.
In a couple of weeks we expect to be vacating. Not necessarily overseas although that’s due soon.
I’m glad you made out so well before the screening board. I knew that you wouldn’t have much trouble particularly after what you told me about the 4th War Loan Drive poster. Did they use your idea? You must have a good captain – you are fortunate for the number of good officers I’ve met so far I can count on my fingers. Even though I envy you somewhat I can’t really say that, for if there is anyone I’d like to see getting the breaks, it’s you. All I hope is that they continue to be good ones. The artwork I do is strictly for my own pleasure at the present and it will continue to be. There has been a radical change in our mission and there is no possible way of any artwork being needed that I can see.
Have you heard from Milt? Does he write regularly to you as we’ve been doing? Have you heard anything about Bernie? Did he ever try for O.C.S.? And I suppose noone ever heard from Ralph and whether Margie had a child. A pal of mine Walter Beller – did you ever meet him? Is out on the coast as a 1st lieutenant he’s a dentist. He got married 2 wks before going in. He’s lucky because he has his wife with him. She just gave birth to a daughter.
There isn’t anything else, gate, I either get letters from Judy, my parents, you, this Lt. Beller and once in a while from Howie Feldman (who you met just once) – otherwise nothing else. Judy sent me an 11 wk subscription to P.M. and I get a monthly called Jazz Record from Art Hoder. So I guess that’s all and give my love to Ann and Judy’s too. Best of everything and I’ll be waiting for your next letter.
Your brother-in-arms
P.S. Congrats on the P.F.C. stripe & I hope you go higher soon – don’t keep it as long as me – it’s over a year already.