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Letters to Lou

December 19, 1944

Letter from Lou Dorfsman to Arthur Singer

bwsketch of a church that has been damaged

Metz, at the end of 1944

December 19

Dear Art,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish I had known

Thanks for your latest contribution to my collection of interesting letters – It was a lulu and I’m afraid what I can hardly match it. The photo of yourself is terrific. When Ann saw it she squealed with delight and kissed it & the next thing I know her eyes are damp! I guess we just are plain fond of you!

Almost at the same time Milt came through with a letter in which he included Bernie’s & Ralph’s addresses which, before I go further I’ll note for you.

S/SGT B. MEYERSON 32342874

530 BOMB Sq. 380 BOMB GR.

APO 921 c/o PM


And Danny’s


HQ. 236 AAA S/L BN.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL – That’s all Milt gave me I don’t know if it’s sufficient.

Bernie & Ralph are getting closer to each other & have hopes of meeting, Milt writes.

In your reference to what you were doing you ended with a prophetic statement that, one never knows what the next day will bring! I see that the new German offensive is in your sector and therefore would like to hear from you as soon as you can write again just to know how you are.

By the end of this week I should be in possession of some photos of Ann & me which I will send in my next letter.

Nice to know that your Thanksgiving was enjoyable and how the local populace goes all out for you deserving guys.

I’m requesting a furlough to start on January 10th but may be disappointed – in fact it may be more of a disappointment that just losing out on furlough. The Infantry or Grand Forces are taking 80,000 men from the Air Corps & Service Forces and I’m up for a physical this week to determine whether I go back to my ‘first love’ the Infantry. Our youth in these cases are always against us & after this Shangri-la at Hq. it might be a terrific bring-down.

If it happens I sure would like to at least get that furlough ‘cause it would definitely be the last.

My recent work has been humorous posters for Special Services. These are reproduced in Silk Screen & sent to all posts & camps in the 8th S. Command. Also have reached the stage on

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