Letters to Lou
April 12, 1944
Letters from Arthur Singer

A portrait by Arthur Singer
Dear Lou,
Your card answered a question that had been running through my head – why hadn’t I heard from Gate Dorfsman. Lou, I’m glad to hear that you are making a name for yourself and have a chance to do work that is right up your alley. I hope you get bigger and better opportunities plus a promotion which I feel you’ll be getting soon.
As for myself I’m afraid the news can be called anything but good. We’re shoving off! We’ve been working very hard, more than ever before. Last week we had some lulus of night problems that kept us up all night and part of the next day – oh yes, plus all the Goddamned inspections on Saturday & Sunday. That’s all over with now. I’ll consider it lucky if I see New York again after what we’ve been told. We really should get furloughs like all other outfits get but it don’t look as though we will.
Everything is so hush hush that there is hardly anything I can put in this letter. So it’s liable to be a short one.
Eleanor Fox, George Foxe’s [sic] wife (old friends of ours) saw a picture in P.M. of Margie Danziger and her baby boy. I suppose you know about it through channels. I get P.M. but I must have missed that somehow.
I just finished reading a swell book and if you get any time to read be sure to get it. It’s Elliot Paul’s The Last Time I Saw Paris. I know you’ll like it. After I finished and returned it I got another by that author Life and Death of a Spanish Town.
How is Ann? And how is her job? And Gate, how about a picture of you both? I’ve never seen you or a picture of you in uniform. I wish we were all out of them, I’m getting damned tired of it. Pretty soon I’ll be in two years!
Well, I guess that’s about all, Lou. My best regards, as well as Judy’s, to you both. She just asked me about you in her latest letter. I already sent the card on to her. I wish I were on my the way to her myself, I sure miss her terribly.
Your pal,