September 18, 1943
Letters from George Daley

George Daley, in Hartford Connecticut in 1943
To: Mrs George F. Daley, Depot St., Hyde Park Vermont
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley Jr 0-515914
Co A, 293rd Eng [C] Bn
APO #42, c/o Postmaster
Nashville Tennessee
Letterhead: Camp Forrest, Tennessee
September 18th
Dear Folks:
I have some news for you this time – by the time you get this letter I’ll be on my way to the West Coast. Tomorrow we are leaving for desert maneuvers. Just where I’m not sure but it’ll probably be either California or Arizona. As to how long they’ll last it’s rather vague – probably from 1 month till 2 months.
After this training it’s pretty certain where we’ll go next. So I guess I won’t be home for Christmas this year --. I haven’t received any mail for the last couple weeks so I don’t know how things are going in Vermont.
As you know I was at umpires [sic] school and after that got a chance to umpire for a week before they relieved me and sent me back to my company. I guess before I get done I’ll hit every state in the country but that’s the way the Army operates --.
Everything is alright both financially and otherwise. As I wrote before I sent $200.00 to the bank. I guess I won’t have much use for it so if Ellen wants to go to College I guess there’ll be enough to help her. Tell Ellen I’ll write her just as soon as I can but I’ve been pretty busy lately. I’ll look up some movie actors for her --.
So if you don’t hear from me for awhile, don’t worry because everything is under control.
George Jr.