October 2, 1944
Letters from George Daley

George Daley (center) and Bill Aliapoulis (right) with Palmyra and Marianne Majerie in Luxembourg
To: Mrs George F. Daley
Depot St., Hyde Park, Vermont USA
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Sp. Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
“Somewhere in Luxembourg”
October 2nd
Dear Folks --
Received your letters of the 18th and 20th tonight with the news of Ellen’s leg and here [sic] expected entry at college on Nov 12th. Also the news of the Eastern Hurricane and the good fortune it brought to “Nick”.
First of all before I forget it we might as well get the money angle straight. I should have a considerable sum in the bank for each month $100.00 goes to the bank from my pay. That should have started in June or July for I made it out while in England. From there I also sent some money - the exact amount I can’t recall but it might have been around $150.00. I have a money order here for another $150.00 which I’ll send in two parts. If it is possible let me know if the monthly checks are arriving at the bank and also the order from England. I haven’t a very good idea just how much I do have in the account. I don’t mind at all loaning Ellen all that she needs for college for that’s what I’m sending it home for. But I want some concrete record made of where it goes --. And if there are any repairs on the house that’s o.k. too – after all I’m on my own now and it seems only fair that you should derive some benefit for your years of headaches. The money is of no use to me over here and it might as well be put to some use. Of course after this God Dam [sic] war is over I plan to enjoy some of the rights that are mine for I didn’t come way over here to be a bum in the years after the war --. I’ve got a pretty good idea where I can get married and that’s exactly what I plan to do even though she doesn’t know it. I guess I’m like dad for it’s going to take a hell of a lot to keep me in one place ‘cause I’ve got those itchy feet. I also plan to go back to “Vermont” for a refresher in Engineering and if I get the chance to teach for a couple of years!!!
Everything is o.k. over here and my luck is still holding out – for how long I don’t know!! The war isn’t over yet so don’t expect a quick finish. It’ll be some time before I get home and no doubt I may go by way of China as a lot of others will.
This country of Luxembourg is really beautiful and not at all like the States. Very modern buildings in some of the cities and quaint houses in the country. Most everyone speaks German, some French and a little English. They’ve been under German rule for some time and you can’t trust everyone. It’s getting cold now and I feel a long miserable winter coming up. If we get to see the spring it’ll be a most welcome sight and I guess we’ll be here or in Germany when it does come but that’s only an opinion. I visited Paris and someday will tell you all about it for it was really something.
Well so long for now.
George Jr