January 2, 1945
Letters from George Daley

Belgium, 1945. Left to right: Dusty Rhodes, Bob Piazza, George Daley
To: Mr and Mrs George F. Daley
109 Conn. Blvd, East Hartford Conn. USA
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Special Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
“Somewhere in Europe”
January 2 ‘45
Dear Folks --
I guess you must be tearing your hair out these days because you haven’t heard from me in some while – well there’s no need to worry because everything is o.k. and I’m still doing fine. I guess the war news you are getting now has caused a great deal of anxiety among a lot of people --. Things have been a little rugged for the boys but after all there’s a war going on and you get use to expecting things like that.
The Holidays have passed and the New Year has begun. It hardly seems possible that time could fly so fast!! At Xmas we weren’t in too good a spot to observe the holiday and we just let it pass as another day. I didn’t see a decorated tree or hear a Xmas carol and the only thing that made it seem like Xmas was the snow – which we’ve had for a long time. At New Years we were taking a light rest and had our Xmas turkey for New Year’s Day – New Year’s Eve we fortified ourselves with champagne and scotch and ventured into town to celebrate. We didn’t do any celebrating because every available place was reserved for different outfits having parties – we tried them all but couldn’t get in --. At all the officer’s parties everyone was dressed in “blouse and pinks” and they wouldn’t let us in because as a full Colonel put it “you’re half undressed” – we wore what the boys in the front wear – dirty and greasy O.D.s – baggy at the knees and ignorant of a press job. As for ties – I haven’t worn one since England. But don’t worry because there were a couple of smart Lt’s that got blood all over their nice clean clothes – there’s nothing like a quiet alley to take the wind out of a guy’s sails!! It all ended up by us coming back home and celebrating here --.
The mail has been rather slow in catching up to us lately. Today I got Ellen’s letter describing her visit to the P & W plant. The other day I got a couple from Harriette – one with the school paper and one telling about her gaining five pounds – also it seems as though a certain fellow got his letter’s [sic] mixed up.
I guess I got everyone’s Xmas packages – one from the citizens of H.P (Hyde Park) and a couple from Mrs. Gallagher which reminds me I owe her a letter.
The other day I heard from Buster, Doug, and Ray Mills – all seem to be doing fine – especially Doug who is getting married. Everyone seems shocked – but those English gals aren’t so bad!! In fact they’ve got a hell of a lot more common sense and bringing up than most American girls --.
I’m glad that Ellen is getting along well at school and that she is interested in her subjects. It’s not much sense studying when your [sic] not interested. Engineering is a good field and in the present post war setup there can be places for women – however a woman isn’t exactly normal if she wants to be an engineer and a maid all her life - .
This month will make two years I’ve been out of school and also two years in the army – of course my enlisted time in the reserve counts so that’ll make three years in May!! I’ve forgotten most of the Engineering I learned in college but I guess I could pick it up soon enough – after the war I don’t know what I’ll do --. I’m going to take it easy for awhile first and then see about the work. I might even go back to UVM for a refresher on the GI bill!! It wouldn’t cost a hell of a lot and could be practical. However it’ll be quite awhile before I get back so there’s no need to worry now --.
Well I guess this is all for now so I’ll close and if conditions permit I promise to write more – even if it’s just a V-mail.
As ever,
George Jr