February 5, 1945
Letters from George Daley

Belgium, 1945. Left to right: Dusty Rhodes, Bob Piazza, George Daley
To: Mr & Mrs George F. Daley
109 Conn. Blvd, East Hartford 8, Conn. USA
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Special Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
Somewhere in France
February 5th
Dear Mom and Dad --
Just a line or two so you’ll know everything is o.k. over here --. Recently my mail caught up with me and in three days I got about 40 letters – so you can see I’m way behind now on my correspondence.
I guess at home everyone must be getting optimistic over the war news – and for the first time I can say “Justly so” --. If things go alright by the time you get this letter the climax of the war here should have taken place!! With the spectacular Russian drive and our mounting pressure here old Jerry finds himself in an awkward position. Once we get rolling on this front, the squeeze play will be on and the stage set-.
The biggest disadvantage now is that in some parts of the country the snow has completed melted and the usual mud and water is prevalent. However it’s not as bad as it could be – no doubt it’ll freeze again and snow for a winter couldn’t be this short.
While I was in Germany a friend and I found a violin and now we drive everyone to drink by playing it all the time – that is when we get a chance. After you’ve been over here awhile you accumulate the craziest things – while I was in Luxemburg [sic] I got hold of a German “Luger” and if I have good luck, I’ll bring it home.
Speaking of home – over here the rumors are spreading regarding how soon we’ll be home but of course they’re just rumors – most of us realize that the Japs aren’t finished yet – even though McArthur is doing alright.
So far I have heard from a few of the fellows from home and college days but haven’t seen any more of them. A good friend of mine is in Paris and I may get to see him as our outfit is now getting combat passes to Paris – my name is on the list and I ought to go soon.
Of course my birthday has passed and though it doesn’t seem to [sic] far behind it’s been almost a month – I celebrated in a rather ticklish spot but everything turned out alright and oddly enough I’m one year older – also have two gray hairs!!!
I got Dad’s letter and will soon try to give him his requested story of the countries over here. I’ve been in four of them here on the continent and have a good idea how they work --.
I also got quite a few letters from Ellen and Harriette – all about the news in Conn. and Vermont. I’m [sic] sure would have liked to been home at Xmas with Harry, Harland and Nick. The four of us use [sic] to have some good times together but I guess that was long ago and will never happen again – the automobile and the liquor are still the same but the girls have long left for greener pastures.
Well I guess that’s all for this time so I’ll close –. There’s nothing I need and there is no need to worry – one of these days soon I’ll be beating one of these letters home.
George Jr