December 3, 1944
Letters from George Daley

George Daley and Marianne Majerie, November 1944 in Luxembourg
To: Mr and Mrs George F. Daley
109 Connecticut Blvd, East Hartford Conn. USA
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Sp. Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
December 3rd
Dear Folks --
The mail has been coming in very good lately and consequently I’ve gotten way behind in my correspondence. In the latest news I hear you are settled in Hartford and things seem to be going pretty well. I’m glad Ellen decided not to tax her leg too much by going to college and instead take a course at the school nearby. The subjects she is taking are good ones and they will help later on --. Physics was a tough one for me in college and a good knowledge of math and drawing never hurt anyone. I plan to write her as soon as possible but in the meantime she’s perfectly willing to use all my books and materials I had from school. Just in case she’s wondering about it --. I have written to Harriette and will try to do so more often so that she and Gramp and Gram will not do too much worrying – and on that score there’s not a dam [sic] thing to worry about anyway as my job over here is about over and the worst should be behind.
The other day I was able to see Carroll Page -- I only talked with him a few minutes as I had some things to do and time was short. He is looking very well and has seen it pretty rough which seemed far apart from the character Carroll was thought to be when he was younger --. This war over here has proven time and time again that there was never such a thing as a “sissy”. Killing and ducking shells and bullets hardly comes under that line. The place I saw him at would seem unbelievable to you at home but it is an everyday place for the infantry. --. I also know where Wayne Page is and one of these days I may be able to see him. He’s another boy who’s going to find things a hell of a lot different than he used to find them back home.
I guess you were wondering about Thanksgiving over here – well I spent perhaps the most enjoyable day than I have in a long while. I was invited to dinner in addition to the big feast we had here at camp. At night we went to a dance where there were American nurses and had a good time. In fact the champagne flowed like water – champagne is easy to get over here – a case of 50 bottles for about $50.00 or less. All liquors are easy to get. At one time I had 4 cases of cognac, 4 quarts of English scotch and a mess of other stuff. The people in Europe never drink water – wine or beer is served at all meals – even to the children.
I received two packages – one from Ellen and the other from everyone. The contents were all in excellent shape and even though you don’t think so all the articles could be put to good use. Thanks a lot for everything!!
I’m still in the same place and even though I’ve been where there was plenty of snow there’s none here yet. Even though the war is in its final stages I don’t expect to be home soon – it will be a long while yet. Perhaps another 6 months or a year but don’t worry because everything is perfectly alright. It makes me so dam [sic] mad to think that you back home are foolish enough to worry about me. It doesn’t bother me so why should it bother you – we all figure if it’s our time to go then we go so what’s the use of worrying about [sic]. It’s a waste of good time. The food’s good – plenty to smoke and drink – good warm clothing and at present a dry place to sleep --.
Well I guess that’s about all for now. Merry Xmas to everyone – perhaps next year will be different. As for Dad – take it easy and watch the old stomach – there’s no need to try and make it last another 50 years.
I’ll pay the expenses so that everyone can be with Gramp and Gram for Xmas –
George Jr