December 26, 1943
Letters from George Daley

George Daley, circa 1943 or 1944
To: Mrs George F. Daley
Depot St., Hyde Park, Vermont
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley Jr 0-515914
Co A, 293rd Engr [C] Bn
APO #184, c/o Postmaster
Los Angeles, California
Letterhead: Desert Training Center California
December 26th
Dear Folks:
Well Xmas has passed and out here it seemed like just another day. We had the day off but had to work today instead. I went into town yesterday and treated myself to a good turkey dinner -- at least for $2.25 it ought to be good. Went to a show and then made the rounds of a few bars trying to get the Xmas spirit. I didn’t get the Xmas part but did pretty well with the spirits. These people out here don’t know what Xmas is all about. You never see any decorations and of course no trees.
I’ve been spending the last two hours cleaning my clothes etc, for all day we’ve been having a sand storm and the wind can drive the sand any place and that includes inside my footlocker.
If everything works out alright I should be leaving here the middle of next week for Vermont. I applied for 14 days and to save time I plan to come by plane from Phoenix, Arizona to New York --. The ticket one way is only $150.00 but I’ve got money to throw away. If I get home this will definitely be my last time because we are planning to pull out of here the last of January.
I’m glad to hear Ellen is doing fine. Everything is the same out here – no additions or subtractions.
Now don’t plan on my coming home because I’m not sure myself. And just to make sure you don’t plan on it I’m not telling you when I leave or when I expect to arrive. So you won’t know until you see me.
George Jr.
P.S. Leave the c/o Postmaster off my address --.