October 29, 1944
Letters from Theodore Katz

One of the photos taken of the show in Luxembourg; Ted is at the piano.
Oct. 29, 1944
Dearest Helen,
Last night we had the premiere of our show, after countless difficulties and only one real rehearsal. By some minor miracle the thing held together long enough to last the evening and went over surprisingly well. I as musical director was gratified by the compliments to the orchestra which was truly in the “groove” to use the vernacular. We had pictures taken at the performance and I intend to beg, borrow or steal some as a memento. We’ll have the second and last showing tonight, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed hoping the boys remember their cues.
This afternoon, I took a stroll during which time I ran across a barracks full of Russian civilian refugees. They had been dragged from their homes and sent to various parts of Europe to work at various Nazi enterprises. The group was compose[d] of men, women and even little boys and girls. Now they’re just waiting for the war to end so they can go home. They could speak only Russian and a little German, so you can see that the conversation was limited. And though they were unable to relate their experiences to me, I could tell from their appearance and furtive expressions that it was far from pleasant.
I received your note yesterday which you’d written from the “shrine” – “the exact spot” as you say. (That was about 10 years ago wasn’t it?) It was a sentimental thought indeed, to write from there, but did you use the same book you were reading (10 years ago) as backing to write on?
I gave Dave your tip and you should have seen the big smile and sly look that came into his eyes[.]
Jack took some pictures of us this afternoon and as soon as they’re ready I’ll be sending them. Also, tell Edith I received her “request for permission” yesterday, and I’ll be answering soon.
And now, the show must go on –