November 8, 1944
Letters from Theodore Katz

Ted's friend Sam Rosenbaum, in Tullahoma
8 Nov. 1944
Dearest Helen,
Of course, the most interesting news of the day is Roosevelt’s re-election – and I, for one, am glad that the war effort and the peace to come soon will be under his direction. I cannot see how the outcome could have been any different. From what I could deduce of the campaign, the Republican Party had offered nothing new or constructive, had not shown the unity vitally necessary during these times, and their candidate seemed utterly lacking in experience, leadership and statescraft. Most of us here, who cast their ballots thousands of miles away, felt the same way, and if this outfit can be used as a standard, I believe the Army’s votes were heavily in favor of Roosevelt. The strange thing about the election is how closely the people here followed it – almost unanimously in favor of Roosevelt, the most important man in the world in their eyes. They would have considered it catastrophic if he hadn’t been re-elected.
I haven’t heard from you in the last couple of days, so I have no way of knowing whether you’ve received all the back mail due you. There should be enough to overflow the mailbox and to provide a full evening’s reading.
I’m enclosing another quick sketch, and if I get enough time I’ll do a batch and send them all at once.
No word from Sam lately, but I’m sure he’s alright and I’ll be hearing from him soon – then a quick recovery and he’ll be back with us.
Give my regards to everyone – and my love to you.