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Ghost Army in the News

The 'Ghost Army' Finally Gets Its Due

Man next to Gold Medal Display

Dr. Michael Williams at the Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal ceremony.

Private John J. Williams had a secret. For at least fifty-two years, the World War II Army radio man was sworn to secrecy, unable to add specific details to his account of being among the 156,000 Allied forces who stormed the beach at Normandy, France, on June 6, 1944.

John J. Williams was posthumously honored March 21 in Washington, D.C., during a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony at the U.S. Capitol that honored all 82 officers and 1,023 enlisted soldiers in the Ghost Army. His grandson and son — Columbia gastroenterologist Dr. Michael Williams and retired Columbia veterinarian Dr. John S. Williams — accepted the posthumous medal, fourteen years after John J. Williams’ death.  

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The soldiers of The Ghost Army used inflatable tanks, sound effects, and imagination to fool the Germans on the battlefields of Europe. The Ghost Army Legacy Project is ensuring that these men and their accomplishments are never forgotten.

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