September 17, 1945
Letters from George Daley

George Daley and Mildred Williams in Madera, California in September 1945. This photograph may have been taken on their wedding day.
To: Mrs F. George Daley
Hyde Park, Vermont
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Special Troops
Pine Camp, New York
September 17th
Dear Folks –
I suppose you’re wondering if I got back alright from last weekend – I got back alright but it was a Monday noon!!! Lovely train connections on the Rutland R.R. –
The only news from here is that most of our men are being shipped out this week – I’m going to San Francisco tomorrow with some men, just to see that they all get there --. I’m staying over a few days and then come back here to Pine Camp!! By the 30th of this month I’ll know where I’m going next. Of course Miss Williams is driving up to get me and I wouldn’t be surprised if this trip turned out with some new additions to the family tree –
I’m short of money so when I get out there I’ll wire the bank and have them wire me what I need – It’ll be the last of the week and you can tell Tom it’s alright and that I am in California.
I’m also sending a trunk home sometime in the future and the key will be sent later so don’t tear it open. I won’t be back in the East until Sept 30th – so let the Bullards know where I am in case Buster comes home.
The Hamilton’s had a boy – born September 10th and weighing 7 lbs 4 oz – named “Frank Roy”!! Everything is fine with them and everyone is happy about it!!
I assume Ellen got home alright and is knocking herself out with Hyde Park’s high social circle --.
That’s all I can think of for now so will write next on the results of the trip –
George Jr
P.S. Has Hugh been down recently? Say Hello to Brig and Hube R.