May 9, 1945
Letters from George Daley

George Daley in Paris, March 1945
To: Mr and Mrs F. George Daley
109 Conn Blvd. East Hartford Conn.
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Special Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
“Somewhere in Germany”
May 9th 1945
Dear Folks –
Well yesterday was “V-E Day” & the day for which millions of peoples have been waiting so long!!! The war in Europe is over and supposedly the blot of Nazism has been eradicated.
Today all gunfire is to cease at 11:00 am and the sounds of peace supplant those of war – yesterday was the warmest day we’ve had and since we’ve been doing absolutely nothing for the past week - we merely did less yesterday!!! In the afternoon another Lt and I went out and took a sunbath and drank a bottle of good Mosel wine – the wine of course to prevent getting a sunburn!!!
We moved the Germans out of the best houses in town and then moved in… our headquarters hasn’t bothered us and so we’re seen doing nothing – get up at 0800 hrs & eat – lay around and sleep all afternoon – then write letters or read!!
What will happen to us now I don’t know – there are only three things – stay here, go home or to the Pacific!!! Personally I hope something happens because I’m getting restless from laying around.
There’s no need to worry for we’re just as safe as if we were home. The Germans don’t bother us and we do likewise.
It’s been a long way since I got off the boat at the beach & many things have happened – but I’m perfectly alright and in excellent health. The trail has finally come to an end over here and it’s hard to believe for you sort of get use [sic] to war and peace is hard to conceive!!
The biggest problem of all now confronts us and frankly one that worries me a bit – that is winning the peace!!! You have no conception of what it’s like here in Europe – there are all kinds of people that are jammed into this country – people who are homeless, hungry & beaten – Russians, Poles, French, Yugoslavs etc. They all hate each other & that’s bad enough!!! The Germans are still Germans of course!!! But at present there’s nothing I can do about it so I’ll forget it!!!
The main thing is that there is no need to worry about a dam [sic] thing – the war’s over here & what happens now – nobody knows! It’s just a matter of waiting!! I do feel that I’ll be home soon – all you can do now is wait & see how soon it is. There’s not much news anymore – so I guess I’ll close for this time – if you’re doing any worrying you might as well forget it for your [sic] wasting your time.
George Jr