May 2, 1945
Letters from George Daley

George Daley stands at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris, March 1945
To: Mr and Mrs F. George Daley
109 Conn Blvd. East Hartford Conn.
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Special Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
“Somewhere in Germany”
May 2 1945
Dear Mom & Dad:
Just a few lines on this confiscated German typewriter to let you that that everything is going alright and I’m busy as hell…. I can’t tell you at present what the work is but I can say that it is very interesting… After the war the full story can [sic] told.
There is no need to worry for this place is far from any excitement... By the time you get this I guess all the excitement will be over anyway… we are living in the best houses in town and have all the benefits of the German master race… and don’t’ let anyone let you believe they didn’t have any for they did alright….
The weather at present isn’t too good… for the past few days we have had everything from snow to sunshine and back again… I hope soon that the spring weather will arrive and then we will get plenty of good warm days…. Something like Normandy last year…
Today is sort of an anniversary to us in the outfit for it was a year ago today that we were on the water…. It doesn’t seem as though it was that long but the calender [sic] doesn’t lie… I’ve been many thousands of miles and seen a lot of things that most people will never see or understand… There were happy days for us and a lot of days that were dark… the German offensive being the worst….
Tomorrow is Ellen’s birthday and it doesn’t seem possible that she is nineteen so soon… but when I begin to tally up my own age I can soon understand…. I plan to write her tomorrow and give her my best regards… Soon it will be Harriette’s birthday and then the whole thing will start all over again…. Hope to be there when Harriette has her celebration but one never can tell what will happen in the army….
The thing that worries me more than anything else is Dad’s health… I don’t see why it is necessary to work so hard but then again there is the financial point of view and with two girls supporting high ambitions there is an [sic] problem…. I never shall regret my going to college for ever since I have been doing work that requires only the brain and not the brawn…. I hope to continue in that same capacity in civilian life…How good I will make out remains to be seen…
I received a letter recently from Mrs Gallagher in which she gave me all the news of the clan….It seems as though Ensign Stewart has been getting himself all the breaks… Personally there’s no other place I’d rather be than over here…
Well I guess this is all for now so I’ll close and will try to be home soon.