June 5, 1945
Letters from George Daley

George Daley in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, March 1945
To: Mr and Mrs George Daley
109 Conn Blvd. East Hartford Conn.
Return address:
Lt. George F. Daley 0-515914
406th Engr [C] Co Special
23rd Hdq’s Special Troops
APO #655, c/o PM
New York, New York
Idar-Oberstein – Germany
June 5th ‘45
Dear Folks –
I’ll admit that it has been some while since I’ve written and that the fault lies with myself & the Army. The Army being very unpredictable – you have to be in it to really understand --.
I’m sending a couple of pictures taken when I was in Paris last March -- they’re not too good but they do show some of Paris – one was taken under the Arc of Triumph where the unknown soldier lies. The eternal flame is at the center of the circle at the lower left of the picture. The other was taken at the Place de Concord & in the far background is the Eiffel Tower!!
You can see by the heading where I am located in Germany – It’s is about 40 miles west of Trier. At present I am outside of town living in a tent only which is better in most respects than living in town – a lot healthier & so on.
I have had no mail for over two weeks and no-body seems to know why – like always it’ll probably all arrive at once --.
Tomorrow if the anniversary of our invasion of this continent and we are going to celebrate throughout Europe by taking the day off -.
And now comes the news you have been waiting for – I expect to be home in the States by the 1st of July and if leaves & furloughs come as hoped I should be in Conn. to celebrate the 4th.
Don’t make any plans until you actually hear from me as it is like I said – “I expect” – I do know that I am coming home but a date is something you can never plan on in the Army. The expected leave is 30 days & how I want to spend it I really don’t know at this time – complications in the West, you know!!!
Well I guess that’s all – so I’ll say so long & will be seeing you very soon!!
George Jr