August 20, 1945
Letters from George Daley

August 1945, VJ Day parade in Watertown, NY. George Daley is in the first row, second from left
To: Mr and Mrs F. George Daley
109 Conn Blvd. East Hartford Conn.
Return address and letterhead:
Officer’s Club
Pine Camp N.Y.
Monday, August 20
Dear Mom & Dad:
I had intended to write this some time ago but was holding off for some news – of which there is still none -.
Of course I got here alright and for a week we just laid around waiting for the men & getting our equipment unpacked… We understood then that we would be here in the States until Dec 31st but now the war is over and of course we expect to stay here permanetly [sic]!! Now everyone is waiting around for a discharge – our men over 38 left today and I understand the 85 point men are leaving soon. As for the officers – there has been no score set and consequently we are waiting with our fingers crossed… At present I have 73 pts & if they count again I should get up the 78 or 79. And depending on the critical serve I hope to be out by the end of the year.
The camp here is very nice especially since we’re about the only troops in it – The thing I enjoy the most is the weather – so far it’s been cool in the morning & evening and not too warm at mid-day – about like Vermont in the fall…
The food is plentiful and there’s a wide choice so everyone should be putting on weight. Today we started training in order to keep the men busy during the day – there are plenty of passes for everyone and I guess leaves & furloughs will be coming up soon. I think I’ll try for a leave in October and go to California … And you can plan on my being home this Xmas – if should be for good but you can’t tell--.
There’s nothing I need and no reason for you to worry anymore – From now on we’ll be doing nothing to speak of – only waiting to be civilians.
As soon as I can get a box made I’m going to send home some stuff – including the perfume -.
Guess that’s all for now –
George Jr
P.S. I got your letter --