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Nussenbaum Scrapbooks : Conservation

woman marking scrapbook page for conservation

Notebook Conservation

Ghost Army veteran Seymour Nussenbaum donated his scrapbooks to the Ghost Army Legacy Project in 2017. Conservation work was done on them in 2018 by the Northeast Document Conservation Center . This work included mending tears, washing particularly brittle documents in filtered water and lining them with Japanese Kozo paper, cleaning up all the pages, removing as much excess glue and pressure tape as possible, re-attaching loose items, collating each page into an individual file, and doing high res in-depth imaging. The pictures below document the work read more

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The soldiers of The Ghost Army used inflatable tanks, sound effects, and imagination to fool the Germans on the battlefields of Europe. The Ghost Army Legacy Project is ensuring that these men and their accomplishments are never forgotten.

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